“Yellowstone” hasn’t been well-received by critics because I’m breaking a lot of story rules. I’m going to jump ahead in the story for no particular reason other than the fact that I feel like it and it’s fun. Some enjoy it while others are disgusted by what they see as a shambles.
Yellowstone, on the other hand, is one of my favourite movies because of its ability to switch back and forth between melodrama and violence with ease. All the classic and contemporary westerns and soap operas have been muddled together in this potpourri. I believe that some people who study storytelling find it frustrating and perplexing, and I am one of them. They’re baffled as to why this is such a big deal.
Why is this so? Wicked acting and an incredible setting make this film a must-see for anyone curious about the mysteries of the universe. I’m having a blast chewing the scenery with the actors, and they’re all having a blast with me. It’s a rare opportunity for A-list actors to deliver some truly memorable dialogue.
Considering how much attention is paid to cultural representation in media these days, is it more difficult to make westerns today? Both immigrants and indigenous people have been featured prominently in your work.
Ultimately, the question that needs to be addressed is: What story are you telling? It doesn’t matter what other people think if you hold up a mirror to the world and reflect the image back accurately. There is no substitute for telling the stories that are important to you. That is my constitutional right, and I intend to exercise it.
As a result, I’m able to see things from both perspectives. It’s not uncommon for people who watch “Yellowstone” to bemoan the show’s political leanings. Furthermore, if one of my characters is an animal rights activist, the other half will assume I’m a communist. It’s just the world to me: It’s here.
Even if I agree with it, I can’t stand paying money or wasting my time on something that tells me what to think. No, it’s not just the arts that make a difference; it’s the dialogue that does. Art is meant to arouse discussion and ultimately lead to positive change. Even if I don’t agree with some of the viewpoints, I try to present them all.
When it comes to westerns, we must be able to look back at our own history and, of course, question it. Nevertheless, not everything that has occurred in the United States since the first Western European arrived here has been tragic. Every side had its share of heartbreaks and victories. We try to make history as clean as possible in our retellings. It’s fun to let my stories get a little sultry.