Late Night Isn’t Threatened by Trump’s Latest Stunt

Let us pay you to watch comedy by providing you with a recap of the previous night’s best bits on Best of Late Night. The following are the 50 best Netflix movies available right now.

Is That a Danger, or is it just a joke?

Republicans will not be voting in the 2022 or 2024 elections, according to a statement from President Trump this week.

Late Night Isn’t Threatened by Trump’s Latest Stunt

During his opening monologue Thursday, Seth Meyers said, “Wow, he’s been out of office so long, he’s forgotten how threats work.”

The Best Parts of the Show

Trevor Noah investigated on Thursday’s episode of “The Daily Show” why people no longer want to work.

Seth Meyers has not Stopped Making Fun of Former President Donald Trump

Late Night with Seth Meyers host Seth Meyers has not stopped making fun of former president Donald Trump. Meyers has expressed his desire for Trump’s obscurity to end. Meyers, however, is confident that fellow Republicans still look up to him.

Meyers noted on a Deadline Contenders panel that it would be a “big step forward” if the candidate quit talking about himself. To put it bluntly, we don’t see him as a comedic treasure trove. Republicans are confident in his continued status as party head. As soon as they finally cut ties with him, I have no doubt that we will be ready to do the same.

Do you Usually Make Fun of Donald Trump?

One night, Meyers’ audience included a Trump fan. Each tape begins with Meyers introducing himself to the audience and answering questions from viewers.
Five years ago, a female student asked, “Do you usually make fun of Donald Trump?”

Remembered Meyers. When asked what it was, I responded, “Oh yes, what did you think this was. “My pals heard there were tickets to a TV show,” she remarked. Reviews on Yelp are essential reading. Someone watching The Sopranos and wondering, “Is there usually this much violence?”

Trump jokes are still off limits, but the pandemic has given Late Night a freer rein to experiment with other sorts of humour.

Having the audience witness the natural progression of the transformation is crucial, as Meyers put it. “If I had just come up one day and said, ‘I’m not wearing a suit anymore, we’re going to talk to a sea captain painting,’ people would have said, ‘Oh no, something’s wrong with his head.

Urgent care is required for him. People followed suit because we all lost our minds at the same time. I doubt I would have been welcomed with wide arms by the network’s upper management if I had gone to them and announced, “I cracked it.”


While the city was quarantined due to the pandemic, Late Night broadcast from Meyers’ attic via Zoom. Meyers admitting to reading the comments under his show’s YouTube videos.

“Reading the YouTube comments when I was doing my attic concerts was the most depressing thing,” Meyers added. Don’t act like that!” The general consensus was that the show’s visuals were terrible.

Is that an iPad being used as a camera? which, because I was, was a personal insult to me. A high-definition camera was a gift I recently received. I finally figured out how to make it work! One of our shows was captured with a high-definition camera.

Then the general comment was, “You look like sh*t.” My appreciation for coiffure and cosmetics didn’t fully blossom until then.