How Far is it From Key Largo to Key West

How far is Key Largo from Key West. if you drive there and back in a single day? If you can cover this small distance in one go, the answer is here.

  • Drive Nonstop:158 Kilometres (98 miles).
  • Driving Time: 2 hours and 7 minutes in a car.

While it is possible to drive the entire distance without stopping, you may find it more enjoyable to make a few pit stops along the route.

When travelling from Key West to Key Largo, you won’t have to make any stops along the way.

How Far is it From Key Largo to Key West

Traveling by Air

Let’s pretend for a moment that you have access to a private aircraft and can travel between Key West and Key Largo in the shortest amount of time. The iterative Vincenty formula yields the “great circle” distance, or “as the crow flies,” which is the true shortest distance due to Earth’s curvature.

  • Traveling by air: you’ll cover 147 kilometres (or 91 miles)
  • Total flight time: 41 minutes

The driving distance is almost 1.1 times as far as the flight distance since it takes 7 miles longer to travel by road than it does by plane.

Since your jet travels at a considerably quicker speed than a car, the flight will only take roughly a third as long.

A private plane can make the trip in a short amount of time, but you might choose to take a commercial flight. In that instance, you’ll need to include in the time it takes to get to the airport, go through security, board the plane, taxi to the runway, fly to the other airport, and land at your final destination.

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Please scroll down to view a more precise calculation that considers all these elements in order to provide a more reliable estimate of your actual travel duration.

Traveling From Key West to Key Largo

Okay, so you’ve decided to take a road trip to Key Largo, but you also want to do some sightseeing along the route. It wouldn’t be a proper road trip if you didn’t stop at some cool landmarks and enjoy some delicious food along the route. This is exactly the kind of thing that Trippy was made for, as it can assist you in laying out your travel arrangements in great detail.

  • One Day’s Worth of Driving

With your entire schedule in hand, we can calculate how long this journey will take.

Time spent in transit: three hours


It’s best to begin at Key West.

You can drive for around 22 minutes and then spend about an hour at Baby’s Coffee. Continue for another 22 minutes, then spend an hour relaxing on Little Torch Key. You may visit Bahia Honda State Park after only 17 minutes of driving. Traveling time is 26 minutes, and one hour is spent at Marathon. After only 15 minutes on the road, you’ll arrive at Grassy Key, where you can spend the next hour. You can get to Long Key in 19 minutes and spend an hour there. You can get to Islamorada in 23 minutes and spend an hour there.

  • After a last 25-minute trip, you will reach Key Largo.

Getting From Key West to Key Largo, From its Airports

Assuming you have access to a private jet, we were able to quickly determine the amount of time it would take to fly from one location to another in the above computation. On the other hand, the vast majority of us will be taking a commercial flight (whether in first class or economy). This means that we must realistically include in the additional time required for getting to the airport, waiting for the aircraft, and finally arriving at our destination.

We’ve included genuine airports in the flight plan so you can get a more accurate feel for the journey. In the future, you’ll be able to alter your itinerary to your liking by picking and choosing which airports and flights to use. But here’s a case study we’ve chosen to illustrate how inter-airport travel might function for the time being.

  • Terminal: Key West International Airport (EYW)
  • The International Airport of Miami is the point of arrival (MIA)

We can now calculate how long it will take to get to and from the airport, taking into account the distance between the terminal and the city centre, once we have chosen our airports.

  • The airport is about a four-minute drive away.
  • 149 minutes until arrival at your destination.

Finally, let’s take a look at a hypothetical flight from EYW to MIA and calculate the total flight duration (including takeoff, landing, and taxiing).

  • Commercial flight time: 41 minutes

Time spent getting to and from the airports, the projected two-hour wait time in TSA screening lines and waiting at the gate, and the flight itself all contribute to the overall travel time from Key West to Key Largo.

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The Whole Trip will Take 5 Hours.

If you’re travelling in a straight line, the distance will be the same in either direction (or driving the same roads back and forth). Check the reversible directions to see how far it is from Key West to Key Largo, or click back to the main page to see how far it is to any other city in the world.