Are You in an ‘Inter-Intimate’ Relationship?

The concept of a romantic partnership has been shown for decades in media as diverse as reality television, movies, online dating, and even the classics. To what extent, though, do people actually experience close relationships? Can there be more to love than “Share a Hug Day,” holding each other close, and taking a stroll down the beach?

Sure thing! There is more to intimacy than meets the eye, and it’s not always sexual in nature. Do you regularly engage in close, personal interactions with other people, such as those with family, friends, or a significant other?

Are You in an ‘Inter-Intimate’ Relationship?


By defining what a romantic relationship is not, we can show you how to become more intimate with your partner. It could take time, energy, tolerance, and compromise, not to mention chemistry, attraction, or compatibility. Having common interests or ideals is an excellent starting point for developing a deep friendship with someone and deepening it over time.

Just What does the Term “Intimacy” Entail?.

Find yourself wondering, “What does it mean to be intimate?” “Intimacy” derives from the Latin word “Intimare,” which means “to make known” or “to become familiar with.” It’s an expression of affection that transcends mere physical proximity. Happiness in a relationship refers to both partners’ mental and emotional states.

It’s a profound bond between two people, necessitating complete familiarity with and respect for one another. Closeness in interpersonal relationships, whether they be familial or platonic, is a sign of a healthy social and personal life.

Comfort is a key component of intimacy in romantic partnerships. It’s geared toward providing for the base requirements of both parties. It is dependent on trust and open communication between partners, as well as the highest level of respect between the two people in the relationship.

A therapist, either one on one or with a partner, can help you feel more at ease in your relationships through online counselling. The therapist provides a safe space for the couple to talk about their experiences in the relationship, including their views on what makes an intimate connection, the role of sex in these relationships, and methods for resolving conflicts.

It’s more than just sexual activity or a one-time event. Every day, you must make the decision to do this. It can be found in the ups and downs of relationships over time, regardless of the weather or the day’s general disposition. Intimacy, both physical and mental, is a rare commodity, and only those willing to actively seek it out and try to cultivate it will ever discover it.

In Contrast To

There are many things that it is not in terms of relationships. Intimacy does not necessarily necessitate a romantic or sexual relationship, and close friends of the same sex might experience it even when none exists. Because of the way it is typically portrayed, we tend to conflate intimacy with the physical aspects of a relationship. Physical contact isn’t necessarily a prerequisite for intimacy; sometimes it’s just knowing you can be yourself around each other, talking about things you both care about, and showing each other that you appreciate them.

The following should be considered as you evaluate the level of closeness in your relationship:

  • There are many different kinds of physical closeness. Physical attraction and touch are wonderful, but they can’t save a relationship without a stronger bond between the two people involved. It’s easy to get confused about the point of sex and intimate relationships because they go hand in hand. Intimacy, unlike sex, satisfies not just your physical, but also your emotional and intellectual needs.
  • Having a close relationship with someone is not a present. As important as it is to take care of our partners’ needs, and as rewarding as it might be to do nice things for someone we care about, love cannot be bought or sold. It’s not a good idea to build closeness in your relationship on a foundation of material things like presents, expensive vacations, and expensive dates.
  • This is no bedtime story. The closest of couples will remain close through the ups and downs of their relationship, since they recognise that all partnerships have them. It’s wonderful to find love, and it’s thrilling to get swept up in a passionate whirlwind romance. However, if the excitement wears off and the relationship with it, closeness probably wasn’t a major factor.

Distinct Varieties of Romantic Closeness

The term “intimacy” often conjures images of sexuality and physical contact, but there are many more ways to bond with another person. There are at least four distinct forms of closeness recognised by the field of psychological science:

Physical: As the term “physical intimacy” suggests, it refers to closeness between two individuals through physical contact, such as kissing or holding hands. You can have physical closeness with someone without it progressing to intercourse. Although a romantic or sexual connection enhances the experience of physical closeness, it is not necessary.

Emotional: Sometimes called “emotional closeness,” emotional intimacy is achieved when two individuals feel safe enough to open up to one another about their most private thoughts and emotions. The feeling of being truly heard, understood, and appreciated is at the heart of emotional intimacy.

Emotional closeness to another person can exist independently of sexual relations. Importantly, emotional closeness is not limited to romantic partnerships. Friends, family, and romantic partners are just few of the many types of people with whom you can create this kind of closeness.

Sexual: Many people have sexual closeness with one or more partners that they are not romantically involved with, proving that sex is not necessary for a close relationship. For the sake of clarity, let’s define sexual intimacy as having sexual relations with another person. Intimacy and, when the moment is perfect, sex are necessary ingredients in a loving relationship that provides fulfilment for both partners.

intellectual: To be intellectually intimate with someone means to be able to talk to them about anything without fear of offending them or getting into an argument. Many specialists in the field of relationships feel that intellectual closeness is just as important as other sorts of intimacy in human relationships for making the connection work.